Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Food of the Gods

I love Mediterranean food. Love it. So the prospect of Greek food was exciting. Being on a backpacker budget though you can't always splurge on restaurants or expensive food. Luckily though Greek food is pretty cheap and you can eat very good food for very little money.

While wandering through the markets in Monistiraki we came across a couple of giros shops. Giros are cheap, usually not more than 2 euros and a quick way to eat while on the go. We accidentally came across what may have been a row of the best giros shops in Athens.

They were literally holes in the wall. And the first one we tried had sold out so we headed for the next one. I had giros a few more times in Greece but this one was the best beyond a doubt. It wasn't greasy and the meat was succulent and the filling delicious. It's basically Greek kebab but so much better!

The same night we went out to a restaurant near Plaka. We wanted to see the ruins lit up at night after dinner. The great thing about hostels is you make friends quickly. So we went to dinner with some people from our hostel and had some Greek starters to share.

We had the typical Greek salad of tomatoes, cucumbers and feta. As well as dolmades, stuffed vine leaves, and various dips. All really good. Dolmades are my new favourite Mediterranean food.

For mains we all had moussaka. The waiters were very amused at this. They came out saying,

'Moussaka, moussaka, moussaka.'

Moussaka is like lasagne except imagine eggplant, or brinjal, instead of pasta. Yummy. Oh and a potatoe topping.

And we had ouzo. It hits you hard and has everything looking topsy turvy after just a few sips. It tastes like liqourice and it's palate cleansing.

These are most of the people we had dinner with. From left me, Ashley, Izan, Jess, Ryan/Bryan and Cate who took the picture.

We shared our room with Ashley and Jess and they bumped into Cate and Ryan/Bryan at reception and that's how we all ended up going out to dinner. We were crossing a road when the green man turned red and left Ashley on one side of the road. She decided she didn't want to wait for it to turn green again and ran across when it was clear.

We all screamed, 'Go, go, go, go!'

Did I mention ouzo is strong? Hehehe.

And that's the Parthenon by night. No better pics cos well I'm not tall and couldn't be bothered to climb too much to get a nicer shot.

You'll just have to go yourself to see how amazing it is. =)


Anonymous said...

I want ouzo!!!!!

Anonymous said...

No updates since I last visited?! Do so! I miss u!

Anonymous said...

naughty girls don't update their you've been baaaaaad!