Saturday, July 5, 2008

It's All Greek to Me

I'm blogging this from Thesseloniki. We just did 4 days in Athens...which was cool. The biggest challenge so far has been trying to read the road signs and street names.

It's not so bad in Athens because underneath the Greek there are Roman letters. Though sometimes we would come across bus stops with no English and we would be trying to figure out what was an S, N etc...

Luckily though loads of people speak English in Athens and the Greeks are very friendly and helpful. Even when they can't speak English they try their best to help you. Or they find someone who does to help you out.

And....Greek men are so good looking its ridiculous. I mean...why are they all concentrated here? Why couldn't the good looks disperse and trickle down. Unfortunately Greek girls are very pretty so me and Izan can't be the exotic breath of fresh air.

We went to the Acropolis and saw the Parthenon and basically as many Greek ruins as we could. In one day we more or less saw everything there is to see in Athens. If you go to Athens visit Plaka, or Old Athens as it is sometimes known. It's exactly the way I imagined Greece to be.

Wide cobbled streets, balconies, cafes, bright flowers blooming in the hot sun. A complete contrast to the place we stayed in. We got off the Metro and we looked around and we were like....shit....what is this???

It looked like a third world country. And we kept walking around and it all just seemed to get dodgier. We were told by at least 2 people that the place wasn't so nice. Well what do you expect for 13 euros a night right?

We met some nice people and we had a Greek dinner on our last night in Athens with 2 Australian girls from our dorm, another Australian girl and a guy from Arizona. Then we walked to the ruins and looked at them all lit up.

No pictures now because I can't upload anything right now. Greece is a lot cheaper than Paris and I think it might be one of the cheaper European countries to visit. Breakfast from a bakery today cost like...3 euros. How's that for cheap?

Izan misses Paris and it sure kicked in when we arrived in Thesseloniki. We looked around and it didn't seem like there was much to do. Luckily we bumped into some American archaelogists (seriously) at a giros (Greek kebab) place and asked them what there was to do.

Archaelogists are possibly the only people who will describe a serving bowl in a museum as "fucking phenomenal". They were only passing through before heading to Athens where one of them had a house. There are a couple of things to do so we are pacing ourselves because we have four nights here before heading back to Athens to catch our flight to MILAN!

Izan is dying to go to Milan, I'm excited about Rome and Naples (place of the best pizza in Italy therefore the best pizza in the world). Ciao for now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ur on ur way to milan!!!! *mindexplodes*