Friday, August 8, 2008


Hey people! I'm back. This blog has been crying out for posts and a few people have mentioned it to me. But what can I say, Internet was expensive while I was on the road. Also it's hard to be fabulous and blog at the same time.

So before I start blogging about Europe I thought I'd do this picture tag from Samantha. The rules of the tag are:

a) Answer the questions below by doing a Google Image Search and taking a picture from the first page of results. Do so with minimal words of description.
b) Tag 5 other people to do the same once you've finished answering every question.

So umm I cheated a bit. Cos sometimes the pictures weren't nice but I tried my best!

1. The age you'll be on your next birthday

Sam would think this would be an appropriate picture considering how we both seem to have a glass or two or more of wine. ;)

2. A place you'll like to travel to

Morocco baby!

3. Your Favourite Place

My writing!

4. Your Favourite Food

5. Your Favourite Pet

I miss Dash!

6. Your Favourite Colour Combination

Black and White: Classic. Elegant. Yummy.

7. Your Favourite Piece of Clothing

Pyjamas! I could live all day in my PJs

8. Your All Time Favourite Song

Go listen to it now if you haven't already. The video is awesome too.

9. Your favourite TV show

Mmm....Dr House.

10.First Name of Your Significant Other/Crush

11. The Town in which You Live in

For the moment anyway

12. Your Screen Name

My cousin would say this is really appropriate

13. Your First Job

Selling Books at KL Book Fair

13. Your Dream Job


15. A Bad Habit You Have

I know it's gross.

16.Your Worst Fear

:( Don't stand me up please

17. The one thing you'd like to do before you die

If not for Best Actress then Best Screenplay. A girl can dream.

18. The first thing you would buy if you had a $1,000,000

A horsie!

There all done. It took me forever to do. I don't really have anyone to tag. So um I'm bending rule number 2 as well. Go figure. But since Sons has a blog she HAS to do this one!


Anonymous said...

The guy chewing on his nails is so cute! He can bite my anything anytime!

Germaine said...

oh u naughty girl sam!


omg i almost forgot you had this blog. its mean & im sorrrrryyyy!!
internets been kinda crappy i cant be bothered waiting 5 mins for google to load. lama tu!
kaay, now that you've tagged me...
its muh turn!