Friday, June 19, 2009

I'm fehmus behbeh

So the other day I was hanging out with Sharm at Oldtown Kopitiam because she needed to check some work on her Mac somewhere with wifi.

We were minding our own business when this lady approached us and asked if we would like to participate in a short survey. She said that it would only take a few minutes. The survey was about spelling.

They wanted to test our spelling. I look straight at Sharm and burst out laughing (she is going to kill me for telling you this, but then she doesn't read my blog, and if you are sorry!). Me and Sharm used to take literature tuition together and our teacher was always pointing out her spelling mistakes.

So she told the lady I would do it. She gave me ten words to spell and I did, while I was spelling there was a photographer who was snapping away. It was a little discomfiting having the camera clicking away.

Anyway I got 7 out of 10 words correct. I spelled pronunciation and millenium wrongly, and manoevure too. Though apparently correctly in American English. It came out in the papers. You can read it here.

The picture isn't as bad as I thought it would be. But Miss Tyra would say,

"Girrrrrrl where's your neck at?"

*arches neck arches neck*



Anonymous said...

Wow! Those spelling questions were tough! *applauds u*

NnM said...

Wait til they survey aussies..