Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Girly Night In

I'm not entirely sure how it happened but I've somehow started to hate clubbing...I was telling Val last night that I hardly go anymore. And I had to think very hard about the last time I went out...I only remembered today that the last time I went clubbing was in Sabah with Son.

And that was probably the first time in a while that I had fun while I was out...clubbing in Sabah is a lot less pretentious than it is in KL. People are genuinely out to have a good time. Unlike here where I sort of feel a lot of people are just there to show off, which I hate. Blame it on reading Catcher in the Rye at a young age.

So with my clubbing enjoyment age prematurely at an end what do I do instead? Throw dinner parties! I found out that I love entertaining. I haven't thrown a dinner party since the last time I cooked a five course meal in London.

And I've been itching to do it. I would have done it earlier except that my parents took a little break from their Wednesday night date night for a few weeks, meaning I didn't have the house free. But last night they went out and the house was mine. Mwahahaha.

Ok so I didn't do anything wild lah...unless pecan pie is just something outrageous to be cooking up then yes I went full out last night (my god I'm becoming old before I'm even 21).

Val came over to cook with me since she hates cooking in her own kitchen. And we whipped up dinner pretty quickly. Astrid came halfway through our dinner prep and stood around asking us if we were sure the food was edible and if she would be poisoned.

Her comments were not appreciated.

Doesn't this look yummy? Val cooked the main.

For someone who complained a lot Astrid didn't mind digging in. So it wasn't poisonous huh?

I made pecan pie for dessert. It was really easy to whip up since I didn't bother with making my own pie crust (and still I couldn't be arsed to arrange my pie crust properly). It baked up while we had dinner outside.

Becky came over after futsal and this is her mid chew. I probably shouldn't let Glenn and Ben know I cooked for their sister. I anticipate at least one comment from Glenn about how I've forgotten them now David is gone.

It was fun and we decided already that were doing it again next week. This week's theme was supposed to be Southern hence pecan pie and I also made cornbread which you can see behind Astrid's hand in one of the earlier pictures. Unfortunately our main was not Southern cos I needed the oven too much so Val couldn't make her baked Southern chicken. The main was more Italian.

Next week is Mexican. With Mexican martinis! Hehehe. I don't know what a Mexican martini is but I'll report back.



Anonymous said...

Doesn't matter where the martini is from... A martini's a martini. Whee!

Germaine said...

hehehe. too true

Unknown said...

i didn't know you had a blog !
dinner was good okay :) *claps* haha...
