Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Hittin it up thug style...

I've been meaning to learn how to play guitar for some time now. And the urge has been getting stronger...the only problem? No guitar.

Not one that works properly anyway. I had a beautiful acoustic guitar that Steven borrowed one day and it came back thrashed. It looked like he had played rock star with it and ended the game by smashing my guitar on stage. No joke.

It was a present from my dad. It got patched up but it wasn't the same and then Steven le idiot gave it away to one of his friends.

I asked him back for it. He assured me he would get it back. But being nice doesn't seem to pay with these guys.

So I had to start playing dirty. I've had to resort to threatening and all kinds of other primary school bullshit. In the end my dad had a word with his dad. I dunno if even that is going to work.


Val has a guitar lying around in her apartment in Singapore that she said I could use. So either her boyfriend will bring it for me this weekend or I'll get it when I go down South next week.

I'm still deciding if I should learn on my own or take lessons. I had lessons for a while but I didn't progress much. The teacher didn't teach me songs I liked. He was more of a classical guitarist. And also I have the huge mental block that I'm not musical...I don't know if I should invest in lessons.

We'll see.



i reckon DYI.
google tips & methods, youtube tutorials. its not that hard. & if you have friends who know how to guitar it pro, go to them :)

NnM said...

learn it yourself..

don't bother wasting money on lessons...

listen to the pro who spent 7 years in training haha!