Which means that Mondays I usually have nothing to do. Guitar (which I will blog about soon) at 3 and then Jazzercise at 6. I live the life of a tai tai, minus the income and the husband. :D
My afternoons are pretty empty usually...so when anyone is up for something unusual in the afternoon I'm all for it. My friend Shu Ruei asked me randomly if I could come over and help her finish all the tomatoes in her house...how many of you get texts like that? This is why my friends are awesome.
She warned me that she was going to attempt making gnocci (dumpling in case your Italian is a little shaky). We were making potato gnocci.
It's a pretty involved process. I came over at 12.30 and there was a lot of work to do. Boiling and mashing the potatoes. Adding flour to the mash to make a dough. Shaping the dough. It's probably not the best meal to make when you're stressed. But neither me or Ruei have much to stress us out in our lives I think.
It was a great lunch and she even played guitar and sang for me. I actually jumped a little in my chair when she started singing. I never expected her to sound like that...as one of her friends so aptly put it, "You speak like a girl, but you sing like a woman."
I need to practise guitar a lot more to come even close to how good she is.
Since I got back I've been hanging out with one of my older friends a lot. And he lives pretty unconventionally for someone in his 30's...I once told him he was a man living like a teenager. But all props to him.
I dun wanna be a grown up...it's overrated. He said he can't date someone with a normal job cos she'd be too tired to hang out late at night and she's only free on the wekeends when he's working.
I'm not sure what my work schedule will be like in the future but if it all goes to plan I won't need to wake up to beat rush hour traffic or wear a business suit. I actually don't mind the business suit part too much. Have you watched Samantha Who? I like all her work clothes. But a 9-5 job? Jhgdfigofsfadern. Translation, kill me please.
I want a man who's up for a trip in the middle of the week. Who can stay up all night talking with me and then have pancakes and spend the day in bed.
Why is ur gnocci so big?? And the feta salad is drowning in dressing. Hahahah! But it all looks delicious.
We were too impatient to make small gnocci. And the salad was delicious.
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