Saturday, May 9, 2009

Alone Time

Part of what drives me crazy about being at home all day is not having alone time. Sure I could lock myself in my room...but it's not the same.

So I went out under my father's slightly disapproving eye (omg I feel 16 again!) to go look for second hand books.

I've decided to read all the Jane Austen there is...and actually just catch up on my reading in general. I feel like I've missed out on all the really great classics due to school, general laziness, and other things.

It was so nice to go look at books and wonder at all the potential of a good story in the pages. To thumb through, look at the recommended books, think of what I could read next. I always end up buying books...not always reading them. I have a lot of unread books waiting for me.

Right now I'm reading Pride and Prejudice (Marsha said we can't be friends unless I read this...and I see why). Still labouring through the last 100 or so pages of The Golden Notebook...and itching to read something new already.

It's kind of the middle of the year but I feel like making some resolutions:

  • Read more
  • Get into a writing schedule
  • Tidy my room (this btw has been on my to do list forever and will always be something I need to do...sigh)
I'm looking at least another month of enforced rest to recover. Grr.


Gorilla Bananas said...

I suggest you find a nice quiet outdoors place to read. I like to read in my hammock, swinging between two trees.

Germaine said...

Hmm good idea.


whee. i plan to catch up on my classics too. ppl talk about it in class & im like "whaaa.. (omg i missed out in my younger years!)" hehe like u know those orange penguin books? its cheaper too