Sunday, May 25, 2008

I'm Free

I had a dream last night that I was writing a postcard for Postsecret. I wrote: I'm Free on a green postcard in big black marker.

Ahh...well only partly true.

I'm in London. After a lot of missteps I finally got here! First there was the visa that didn't come through. Then the scary immigration ordeal.

They could tell I had been rejected a visa. Just not what visa. Luckily I had a lot of documents to prove that I had no reason to overstay. So after about fifteen minutes of questioning and consulting they let me through!

I didn't expect it but I felt my heart clench a few times a lot. And how could I not? I'm leaving behind my family for the longest time ever. And some of my closest friends.

Who spent the last two weeks or so that I was home reminding me how much they love me.

I hope I'll be able to keep in touch with everyone with this blog. While I'm traveling and chilling out in London and hopefully doing the things that need to be done.

Pictures soon.


1 comment:


haha. you're right.
fix the template one day :)

dwebs has a blooog!