Saturday, June 7, 2008

P.S. I DONT Love You

I missed PS I Love You when it was in all the cinemas. And more than one person said it was good. And I felt like watching a chick flick tonight. I was going to got to the Odeon to watch How to Lose Friends and Alienate People and then I saw that the UK release date was October something.


How can you deprive me of Kiki Dunst???? HOwwww?

Yes. I like Kiki. A lot of people don't. But I have watched quite a few of her movies and some of my faves have her in them, if not in the lead role then somewhere significant. I always think that she brings charm to whatever role she's in. Yes, her roles may seem similar...but I would love to be friends with the girl she normally plays in movies. Namely that random, impulsiv but always fun girl who's egging you on to do shots and talk to that cute guy at the bar.

Okay off topic.

I watched the movie and by halfway through the movie I kept wondering how much longer it was going to take to wrap up.

The premise is that Holly (Hillary Swank's character) is a grieving widow who is sent letters by her hot husband from beyond the grave. The letters are supposed to help her grieve and live again.

It could have been an okay movie. Except that I hate on Hillary Swank the same way people hate on Kiki.

I think that Hillary Swank is the wrong kind of woman to cast as a romantic comedy lead. She looks like a man. Seriously. I think the wardrobe people went all out to distract people from her manliness with the clothes. Which were all very cute and feminine and pretty and made me want to buy a lot of 50's dresses and awesome coats.

Also...she is soooooooo annoying. In the scenes where her husband is alive she's so whiny and annoying.

And the letters that her husband sends are not poetic or touching. There's one point where the dead guy's mum says he has a way with words and his father says he should have written professionally. Really? Not one of his letters made me think that.

Also during the whole movie these thoughts were flashing through my head:

  • Hillary Swank looks better as a guy
  • She looks good in side profile though
  • I still think she looks weird
  • Wasn't that dress she wore to the Oscars ugly?
  • I wish I could watch a Kiki Dunst movie
  • Kiki was the best thing in Elizabethtown, and also watching Orlando Bloom try to act
  • I wish this movie would end
  • I should stop watching it
  • I have to know which guy she ends up with
As you can guess I really didn't like it. I really want to watch Little Women again.

PS Don't hate on Kiki


NnM said...

I love that show!! I practically cried watching it...having such a hunky husband (i'm a fan of gerard by the way :D ) and i do agree that hilary looks like a man, but she's a man lookalike with a hot complaints there..but yeah! it's one of the best romance show I've watched where the audience (me) cried more than the actresses in the show lol! sigh deb ur just unromantic...

Anonymous said...

dude. did i not tell u the book was bad? i mean the first chapter made me cry but it went downhill from there. the movie had no hope. and stop hating on hillary swank! she's won two oscars! the first one was for playing a transexual-crossdressing-lesbian born in what appears to be the homophobic capital of the speaks volumes.

p.s. who the eff is kiki dunst?