Friday, February 20, 2009

How NOT to Make Your THS

Because I'm incapable of every finishing my work at a reasonable hour I usually end up staying up till some ridiculous hour at night working on my keyword articles.

Which leads me to watch weird TV when I can't stand to write about acai berries, horse riding equipment or all the other crap I write about. It's stuff I normally wouldn't watch if I was just channel surfing unless I was really, really, really bored.

I don't think they even show some of this crap when normal people watch TV.

This is how I ended up watching bits and pieces of THS: Paula Abdul. True Hollywood Stories are a guilty pleasures...and if you have Astro you've watched at least fifteen minutes of one at some point because there is never anything to watch on Astro.

If it's a big name celeb like Halle Berry, Nicole Kidman, any other A lister they don't usually get involved. Any interviews they give are ancient ones that have been spliced into the show. It's the B, C and D list celebs who give the best THSs. Cos you know they're all desperate for a little more of the limelight and will actively participate in their True Hollywood Story.

Paula Abdul is I would say a B list celebrity tetering on C list teritory (the fact that I am even analyzing this tells you how much time I have on my hands =), we can't all be trying to win the Nobel Peace Prize).

So of course she was present to give commentary on the events in her life they were talking about.

Which is fine, if you're someone charming and charismatic like Heidi Klum who can laugh at herself then you can pull it off.

Poor Paula. She is neither self aware nor very charming. It probably doesn't help that she was on drugs or something when she was giving parts of the interviews.

There were 2 seperate occassions where she was giving interviews. And in one she's totally sober and coherent. And in the other she's slurring and looks like she's about to fall off her chair. It was mesmerizing...I guess I would load up on perscription pills too if I was going to discuss my divorces and body issues on TV.

As you can see I clearly need some kind of job that involves leaving the house. I just wrote a whole post about Paula Abdul's THS. Hehehe

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